Thursday, March 7, 2013

Orson Scott Card Article Response

I think that they should let Mr. Card be with the book, because like it said in the article, "Promoting Ender’s Game without Card would be like trying to promote the first Harry Potter movie without J.K. Rowling." The solution to the problem I think is that DC comics should prohibit Card from speaking about his opinions on gay rights, and let him promote the book. His views on gay rights doesn't affect my opinion on his book, I still think the book is an amazing book, It did however change my view on the Orson Scott Card, it makes me think less of him. No I don't think that Mr. Vack should remove this book from the class readings, because the book contains great morals in it, and it is an exciting story, but I really don't want to support Orson Scott Card now that I know his views on gay marriage. I think that it is like an oxymoron  trying to keep Mr. Card out of the limelight, because as it said earlier "Promoting Ender’s Game without Card would be like trying to promote the first Harry Potter movie without J.K. Rowling." so as you can see this isn't going to go over well either way it is put.

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