Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Revisiting the Anticipation Guide

Lying is justifiable if it's for the greater good. I would have to agree with my previous statement, because it depends on the occasion. In the book Colonel Graff and Major Anderson don't tell Ender that he has killed the kids that he fought."At least they had good sense not to tell Ender that the boy died."
"It's the second time, too."
"They didn't tell him about Stilson, either."
Sometimes violence is the only way to solve a problem. I would have to still say disagree, because violence is not the only way to solve a problem. In the book one example of this is the Locke treaty. But I think the author's opinion is that violence is used more than it should be.
It is okay to kill someone in self-defense. My opinion has slightly differed from strongly agree to in the middle. Because Ender didn't need to kill Bonzo or Stilson, he wanted them to never hurt him again. So I wouldn't really agree with that statement.
Words are stronger than fists. I would have to pick agree because Words can be used for more than fists, words can be used to solve problems and such, fists can be used to solve problems in only negative ways. An example of this is the speaker for the dead, because he doesn't use his fists to express himself that time.
Bullies hurt others because they have low self esteem. I would still pick disagree because that isn't always true. There many reasons why people choose to bully, although one of the reasons may be low self esteem. In the book the author's opinion differs from the statement. An example of this is Peter, I really don't think he hurts people and animals because he has a low self esteem. I think he hurts things because it gives him the feeling of power and control.
Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become a nation's leaders. I would have to agree with my previous statement because, good academics has little or nothing to do with a good leader. Take Andrew Jackson for example, he had little formal education and he became one of the best American presidents, although he did make a few mistakes. An example of this in the book is Peter, the book said that he was a good student but it said nothing of him being the best, and he became the ruler of the world.
Revenge is never justified. Again I will have to agree with my previous statement, because there aren't really any good excuses for revenge, and there are some really good reasons. An example of this in the book is the bugger wars, because they tried to colonize earth and the people of earth didn't want that so we fought them off. Later we go and kill them all, just because we want to get them back and be able to rest assured.
Crying is evidence of weakness. I chose strongly disagree over disagree because there is no evidence that crying is a sign of weakness. Crying can mean many things, such as, sadness, longing, anger, and remorse, I'm pretty sure there more than that but those were just a few examples. An example of this in the book is right after Ender fights Bonzo he starts crying because he is remorseful.
Any action is acceptable in war. I would have to change my answer from in the middle to disagree. I did this because not EVERY action is acceptable in war. An example of this in the book is when Ender kills all but one of the buggers. This is unacceptable because that was destroying a whole race.
Teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control themselves. I would now have to pick in the middle because some teens need constant discipline and some don't. An example of this is when Bonzo attacks Ender. Another example of this is Valentine she needs no discipline at all. 
Only through personal sacrifice can someone create positive change. I chose strongly disagree because there many examples of this but it is not always true. An example of this is Peter, he becomes the ruler of Earth with no personal sacrifice.
Generating compassion for your enemies is the only way to create peace.
I would have to agree with my previous statement because I don't think that police generate compassion for the serial killers that they are trying to catch. But in Ender's case this is true. an example of this is when he defeats all of the buggers.

1 comment:

  1. Great use of specific examples. Watch your verb tense and what's up with the crazy font sizes?
