Thursday, January 10, 2013

Asa fights back

Asa Fights Back

 On an average day of my 6th grade life, an attempted assault happened. It happened during a lunch break on a cold cloudy day. My friends and I were eating lunch like any other day.
I casually said,
 “Who here likes David, I really don’t, He’s fat, he’s stupid, and he gets in a lot of trouble. Who would like someone like that.”
David is a bigger kid who is fat, ugly, and has a mohawk.
 One of my friends comments,
 “His mom.”
  We all laughed at that.
 Another of my friends teased,
 “Raise your hand if you like david.” Nobody raised their hand.
 then another one of my friends whispered so that I couldn’t hear,
 “If you like david stay here.”
 As I stated unfortunately I didn’t hear. So everybody left me all by myself. As I sat there I heard the usual david talk. He usually taunted people. I recall david taunting Asa. Asa was a 7th grader at the time he also got in a little bit of trouble. So they were both at the detention table.
 David taunted Asa by saying, “hey Asa, I heard that you’re in Townsend's, you must be stupid.”’
 Mrs. Townsend’s class is like Mrs. T’s class here, its for students who need help doing their classwork.
 Then Asa would retort with,
 “Shut up fatty!”  
  They kept going until the teachers separated them, even then David still kept taunting Asa by doing the “Asa’s a retard pass it on.”
 Finally from what I remember, Asa whispers in a menacing tone,
 “David if you don’t shut up I’ll beat you into a coma.”
Then david jokes,
 “Ooooh I’m so scared.”   
Apparently Asa wasn’t joking
 I was thinking to myself,
 Oh some stuff’s about to go down.
 Then as the fighting gets worse I start thinking,
 Now craps about to hit the fan
 Finally Asa explodes, he picks up his chair and runs at David.
 My head is spinning I think,
 Oh hot damn.
 David screams,
 “Asa, stop! I didn’t mean it, calm down!”
 Asa swings the chair and just barely hits the side of Davids head. then the principal grabs Asa while I run off to the basketball courts to tell everybody what just happened.I run to the cafeteria doors, I race through the hallways, and finally out to the basketball courts.
 I stammer,
 “Asa just hit David on the head with a chair!”
 Someone shouts,
 I reply,
 “No crap, come and see.”
We all went down to the cafeteria all the way joking. As we walked I pondered what
 I had just witnessed. I wondered why someone would tease someone so much that they would attack that person. It didn’t make sense, I understood what fun it was to tease people, but I stop when they get irritated.
 When we got there we saw Asa getting handcuffed.
Then someone said,  
 “Oh crap he wasn’t kidding.”
 I remark,
 “See I told you so, some stuff went down, major stuff.”
 Then on about Friday, when Asa got back it looked as if he were a celebrity, because everybody was around him asking him questions.


  1. I like how you narrated the action through dialogue and interior monologue.

  2. I like how you described the characters through their actions.

  3. I enjoy that you have a lot of dialogue in your story, and it sounds exciting.
