Tuesday, January 29, 2013

  Lying is justifiable if it's for the greater good.I picked a 4 out of 5 because if someone is going to die if you tell the truth then you should lie to save a life.Also little white lies don't hurt anybody, for example if someone asks if you like their shoes and you don't it doesn't hurt to lie about it.

  Sometimes violence is the only way to solve a problem. I put disagree because I learned in my life that there are many alternatives to solve problems, such as black mail. which I know it sounds bad but it's better than violence.There are a lot more effective methods to problem solving than the one I just stated, but that was an example.

  It is okay to kill someone in self-defense.I picked strongly agree because if someone or something is trying to kill you then by all means you have all rights to kill them. I would rather live than die personally.

  Words are stronger than fists. I picked the middle om this one, because some words are stronger than fists. But it depends on how you use them if you don't use them correctly then they are weak, and have no meaning.

  Bullies hurt others because they have low self esteem. I chose disagree because bullies might have self esteem issues but they bully for different reasons. One of those reasons might be because they might be bored and they want to get a reaction from someone for entertainment. Another issue could be issues with their parents or someone bullied them and they want to bully someone.

  Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become a nation's leaders. I chose strongly disagree because being a good student has little to do with good leadership. I also disagree that ONLY the best should receive the best education, because others should have the opportunity to get the best education.

  Revenge is never justified. I neither agree or disagree because some people have really good reasons for revenge. Also at the same time there are people who have no good reason for revenge.

  Crying is evidence of weakness. I chose disagree because, sure crying might be evidence for weakness. But some of the strongest men in history cried at one point in time. Everybody cries so that either means everybody is weak or crying isn't really evidence of weakness.

Any action is acceptable in war. I chose in the middle for this one because, I couldn't decide if that was true or not. If its a life or death decision then many actions that would normally not be acceptable are acceptable. but not all the time in a war it's a life and death situation.

Teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control themselves. I chose disagree, because that's a stereo type. Most all adults think that teens are irresponsible and cant make wise decisions for themselves. Sometimes that's true but not all the time.

Only through personal sacrifice can someone create positive change.

I chose strongly disagree because that's true in many cases but not in all cases. I can't think of an example but i'm sure that there are some out there.

Generating compassion for your enemies is the only way to create peace.  

I chose disagree. I chose disagree because That's not really true in very many cases. For example in World War 1 & 2 I don't think we created passion for Hitler, I think we felt bad for the people he was hurting. But in Ender's Case it's true. 

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