Wednesday, February 27, 2013

CEJ # 5

First glimpse of a black hole's spin

Galaxy NGC 1365The study combined X-ray images from two telescopes, one old and one new

Astronomers have measured the rate of spin of a super massive black hole for the first time - and it is big.
Measurements undertaken with two space-based X-ray telescopes imaged the black hole at the centre of galaxy NGC 1365.
The spin measurement, published in Nature, gives precious clues as to how the black hole grew and achieved supermassive status.
That growth influences the evolution of galaxies, so this simple number stands to teach scientists a great deal.
Black holes are notoriously difficult to study, since so much in astronomy depends on the detection of light - and beyond a certain distance, even that cannot escape.
Black holes are known to draw in material - gas and even stars - and stretching the very fabric of space-time at their edges. As matter goes in and gathers into what is called an accretion disk, it heats up and emits X-rays.
Previous attempts to quantify black holes' spins have attempted to analyse these X-rays - accounting for the violent processes within that can stretch and distort the X-rays' energies.
Those studies have until now focused on a fairly low-energy X-ray range. But those lower-energy X-rays can be further distorted by layers of gas between the black hole and the Earth, and previous spin observations have been contentious.
In a spin
Now Guido Risaliti of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and colleagues have looked at markedly higher energies - less subject to absorption in those gas layers - using Europe's XMM-Newton telescope and the recently launched Nustar telescope.

I think this is really cool that scientists can now study the spin of a black hole, because this could give us vital information to protect against the treat of black holes, and/or avoid them. Personally I am just interested with space, that's why I chose to pick this article. 

Ode to my Phone

Oh cellular phone,
I could not live without.
You bless my soul with your ability to communicate. 
I feel a passion from deep within, 
A passion that is beyond measurement,
 A fiery passion of the greatest gratitude. 
Without  you I would be no more, 
My friends and family would take interest no more.
For that reason I thank you with all my heart and nothing more.
With my boredom you bring news for better or worse, 
 So I thank you and that is all.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ender's game questions chap 9-11

Yes there is a battle between Peter and Valentine, the battle is manipulation. I think the manipulator is Peter, because he eventually gets Valentine to do what he wants. Well, I Valentine's in control. well Demosthenes is a perfect example of Peter because he leads people in revolt then gets beaten. Locke relates to Valentine because she thinks things over more rather than acting upon instinct. He is still angry because he cant be normal. He is a strong leader, because if he wasn't his troops would be weak, and he doesn't want his troops to be weak. He did what he did to Bean because he wanted to be the best, like himself. Salaam  means peace in Islamic culture. it tells us that religion still is extremely powerful even though it is discriminated against.what is important about the end of the chapter is that Ender has to fight two battles at once and he wins. No his reaction isn't a mistake at all I think its a good thing that he's letting the teachers know how he feel about the things that they are doing to him. I don't think this is the action that they wanted. The computer knows Ender so well because it is looking in his past. No it doesn't know Ender so well. That quote shows that if Ender loses he will be considered a failure. The teachers are pushing Ender so hard because they want him to be the best. Because he came and beat all of the challenges that were lain out for him.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Those predator drones, wow. I feel that it is unnecessary for the predator drones to carry ballistic missiles, because it isn't right to kill people if you think that they are a terrorist. way to go Obama, I think that the drone issue is more unconstitutional than water-boarding , because is torture, and people don't always die when they are tortured, but people rarely survive missile strikes. But like Mr. Vack said in class, drones can be used for good, like taking for real estate, traffic updates, or search and rescue. Overall I think the bad things outweigh the good things. for example, If someone bought a bunch of ingredients that could be used to make homemade explosives, and they were a Muslim doesn't give the government the right to to kill them, that's crap. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

CEJ # 4

CoronavirusHealth officials in the UK believe they have the strongest evidence yet that a new respiratory illness similar to the deadly Sars virus can spread from person to person.
Cases of the infection may come from contact with animals. However, if the virus can spread between people it poses a much more serious threat.
One man in the UK is thought to have caught the infection from his father.
However, officials say the threat to the whole population remains very low.
There have been 11 confirmed cases of the infection around the world. It causes pneumonia and sometimes kidney failure - five patients have died.
Confirmed novel coronavirus infection in a person without travel history to the Middle East suggests that person-to-person transmission has occurred, and that it occurred in the UK.” Prof John Watson Health Protection Agency
This is the third case identified in the UK. The first was a patient flown in from Qatar for treatment. The second was linked to travel to the Middle East and Pakistan.
The virus is then thought to have spread from the second patient to a close relative. There have been suggestions of person to person transmission in earlier cases in the Middle East, but this was not confirmed.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I play war games. My relationship with my video games is up and down. It is up because of the high intensity, action, and satisfaction when I complete a level. It's down when I have trouble completing a level.
   If I were to design a video game it would most likely be a war game.The main story line would be that the player would be a rebel soldier in Somalia or some other country that is going through a civil war. The final object of the game would be to eliminate the enemy leader. Throughout the game the player would start off as the lowest possible rank then eventually work their way to one of the top positions.The background story on the player is that the player's village is bombed by a squadron o planes in the middle of the night, the player and a few others survive. The player seeks revenge on the enemy so the player decides to join the rebel army.

CEJ # 3

Study finds obesity can 'lead to lack of vitamin D'

A study suggests obesity can lower vitamin D levels in the bodyIt found every 10% rise in body mass index led to a 4% drop of available vitamin D in the body. The larger storage capacity in obese people may prevent it from circulating in the bloodstream. Vitamin D is made in the skin after sun exposure and can be taken in dietary supplements. Healthy levels are about 50 nano mole per liter,  less than 30 nano mole per liter can cause the softening and weakening of bones.
  This news to me is really frightening, because I know a lot of obese people. To think that they are all suffering from deprivation of vitamin D is pretty scary. It's especially scary because a lot of people in the world are obese.    

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I think the purpose of the Giant's Drink is to test the children, and see how they react to certain situations. I think Ender should evaluate his success as a good thing because, his approach was different, and he beat the game for the most part. Yes he is a murderer and no he isn't, yes because he killed the giant to advance in the game, and no because it's just a game and the giant's not real.
  Alai says to Ender is salaam which means peace in I think in Islamic culture. The exchange between Alai and Ender is important because it's religious and religion is discriminated against in the book.
 Well "just living" means being a normal person, watching sports, playing in sports, going over to a friends house, enjoys summer time, and messing up and making mistakes. Yes, it is true that Ender has been "just living" because they are training him and he needs to save the world so he doesn't have time to do the things that normal people do. I think what Ender wants out of life is to be accepted, and not be a disgrace as a third. Also to lead a normal life. I would feel really sad, and I would probably shut down.
 Pertra's helps Ender by being his friend and more importantly being his teacher. Her friend ship provides hindrance to Ender by letting him know that he is not completely alone at battle school.
He learns that he should be strict but friendly.
  The quote means that Ender would do things that Graff wouldn't have thought of,, also that Ender can withstand and endure more than Graff. What is significant about those quotes is that the first one shows that is eager to learn, and the second one shows that the teachers expect Ender to do every thing independently.
His response to the attack is so significant because it shows that he lets his guard down to easily and that he misjudges his nemeses. It represent that Ender is like Peter, but at the same time he isn't. The game knows this by observing his actions throughout the game. The importance of that paragraph is that it shows that Ender doesn't like to kill but it's an instinct. He doesn't like to use his instinct, and he wants to die.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

  Devin Fuentez

                                                                                                                            February 5, 2013                                                 

       Type: Business                                                                                                      CEJ 2 #

Canada stops distribution of penny coin

The Canadian penny is being withdrawn from circulation because production costs have exceeded its financial value.
The Royal Canadian Mint will no longer distribute the coin to financial institutions around the country, but it will remain legal tender.The government has advised shop owners to round out prices to the nearest nickel  for cash exchange.Other countries that no longer use the penny include New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, Finland and Sweden.
Despite the change on Monday, electronic transactions can still be billed to the nearest cent.The government has estimated that the coins, which bear the image of Queen Elizabeth II and two maple leaves, cost about C$11m (£7m) each year to make.
The end of the penny has prompted charities around Canada to start penny drives, and some initiatives have been very successful.Toronto-based Free The Children has already collected 70m pennies, CBC News reports.That could provide a lifetime of clean drinking water to 28,000 people in developing countries, according to the NGO.But other organisations, such as Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind, say they are worried the disappearance of the penny will make it harder to fundraise.The US Treasury has said the Obama administration has thought about making its one cent coins from a cheaper material - they are currently made of zinc.
 I think thats kind of sad that Canada can’t pay for their pennies. for some people, like me,this would be an advantage.This would be an advantage because I don’t really like pennies, I would rather get my change in nickels, dimes, and quarters than in pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. But for other people this might be a slight disadvantage, because some businesses might slightly raise their prices. but overall i think this will be a good thing. I wish America would do this.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Chapter 1 – Third
1. What attitude motivates the adults to lie to Ender?
I think the attitude that motivated the adults to lie to Ender was that he was a little kid and he wouldn't understand.

2. Explain what it seems to mean for Ender to be born a "Third". Show whether this is
a negative or positive fact to:
- his parents,
- his brother, Peter,
- his sister, Valentine, and
- his classmates.
For his parents it's a negative because it's a social disgrace. For his brother and Valentine the same reason. For his classmates it might be a positave thing because thet have someone to make fun of.
Chapter 2 – Peter
1. Was Peter joking when he threatened Ender and Valentine?  Support your answer
with evidence from the novel.
yes I think he was joking because he says so later on.

2. Why is Peter’s behavior at the end of the chapter so completely different from the
rest of the chapter?
I think this is because he has a a change of character.
3. How do you feel about each of these characters (Ender, Valentine, Peter)?  What
did the author do to help create these feelings?  Give examples.
I like Ender, because he seems like the hero/ good guy. I dislike Peter because he seems like the villan/ bad guy.I like Valentine because she seems like a mother figure.
Chapter 3 – Graff
1. What did Graff mean about evolution working against girls?
He means that evolution made girls caring and soft.
2. Ender is leaving to learn how to fight a war, yet he takes Graff’s hand. Why does
Orson Scott Card (OSC) include this action?
I think he included this action because Ender is supposed to be the person that saves the world but he's still a child.

Chapter 4 – Launch
1. Explain the meaning of the following statement: “Individual human beings are tools
that the others use to help us all survive.” 
It means that individual people are used like tools to help mankind survive. Like a gun is used to fend off a bear.
2. Explain the following quote: "Isolate him enough that he remains creative -
otherwise he'll adopt the system here and we'll lose him." Your answer should
include the terms: isolation, creative, adopt, lose. They want to isolate him so he doesn't have friends  and he doesn't adopt compassion so he can lose men and not think about it, and also so he can remain creative in his own way.

3. Did Ender mean to break the other boy’s arm?  What does this incident tell us about
Ender?  Is it acceptable to do despicable things for survival?  Why or why not?
No, that he doesn't like being a victim, In think so because I would rather survive than die.

Chapter 5 – Games
1. Ender works hard to express his feelings in private and not show homesickness in
front of any other person. Is it healthy for him or not?   What is positive and what is
negative about showing feelings?  What is positive and what is negative about not
showing feelings?
No,because it's not good to keep your emotions bottled up, he doesn't keep his emotions bottled up, Positive you don't keep your emotions bottled up, negative others make fun of you. 

2. How did Ender beat Bernard?  Is this an unusual solution to his problem?
He makes a fake account and says things that aren't true.
3. List the different coping mechanisms (ways of dealing with difficulties) Ender
shows. For each one describe whether the overall result of each is helpful or
harmful to Ender.