Thursday, February 14, 2013


Those predator drones, wow. I feel that it is unnecessary for the predator drones to carry ballistic missiles, because it isn't right to kill people if you think that they are a terrorist. way to go Obama, I think that the drone issue is more unconstitutional than water-boarding , because is torture, and people don't always die when they are tortured, but people rarely survive missile strikes. But like Mr. Vack said in class, drones can be used for good, like taking for real estate, traffic updates, or search and rescue. Overall I think the bad things outweigh the good things. for example, If someone bought a bunch of ingredients that could be used to make homemade explosives, and they were a Muslim doesn't give the government the right to to kill them, that's crap. 

1 comment:

  1. You have some good points, but try to avoid words like "crap.:
