Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I think the purpose of the Giant's Drink is to test the children, and see how they react to certain situations. I think Ender should evaluate his success as a good thing because, his approach was different, and he beat the game for the most part. Yes he is a murderer and no he isn't, yes because he killed the giant to advance in the game, and no because it's just a game and the giant's not real.
  Alai says to Ender is salaam which means peace in I think in Islamic culture. The exchange between Alai and Ender is important because it's religious and religion is discriminated against in the book.
 Well "just living" means being a normal person, watching sports, playing in sports, going over to a friends house, enjoys summer time, and messing up and making mistakes. Yes, it is true that Ender has been "just living" because they are training him and he needs to save the world so he doesn't have time to do the things that normal people do. I think what Ender wants out of life is to be accepted, and not be a disgrace as a third. Also to lead a normal life. I would feel really sad, and I would probably shut down.
 Pertra's helps Ender by being his friend and more importantly being his teacher. Her friend ship provides hindrance to Ender by letting him know that he is not completely alone at battle school.
He learns that he should be strict but friendly.
  The quote means that Ender would do things that Graff wouldn't have thought of,, also that Ender can withstand and endure more than Graff. What is significant about those quotes is that the first one shows that is eager to learn, and the second one shows that the teachers expect Ender to do every thing independently.
His response to the attack is so significant because it shows that he lets his guard down to easily and that he misjudges his nemeses. It represent that Ender is like Peter, but at the same time he isn't. The game knows this by observing his actions throughout the game. The importance of that paragraph is that it shows that Ender doesn't like to kill but it's an instinct. He doesn't like to use his instinct, and he wants to die.